中国元宵庙会走进Improve Canada Mall 家居装饰城
(《健康生活报道》记者马丽霞、赵紫月、赵思思、赵佩珍、黄静仪、吴冠强、马淑芬多伦多报道)2018年3月3日,一场包括中国京剧,魔术,舞龙,舞狮,传统功夫,太极,书法,民乐,舞蹈,唱歌等丰富多彩活动的庙会,在去年才对外开放的多伦多Improve Canada Mall–加拿大最大的家居装饰城拉开帷幕 。庙会当天的活动由 “卡溜帮”微信跨国群,组织多伦多群友精英现场表演。精彩的演出不时博得现场观众的掌声。艺术级的Improve Canada Mall和美妙的中华艺术表演,使当天的消费者和观众度过了一个难忘的下午。
表演活动于下午约1:30 开始,首先一边是舞龙灯,舞狮子的表演穿插于整个商场内,另一边是商场內专门留出来的一个空间作为表演场地。
有着30 多年丰富舞台表演经验的原福州歌舞剧院男高音歌唱家Lu Cheng, 他既是这次表演活动的节目主持人之一,同时又是这次节目的表演者之一。他为观众演唱了一首《音乐之声》的主题曲“雪绒花”。这次活动表演节目众多,有独唱、小合唱、舞蹈表演、中国书法表演、太极剑和武术表演等等。演员们来自各个艺术团体,如多彩文化中心、严志刚太极武术学校、多伦多中国艺术学院、东枫彩乐团、多伦多基宏武术学校、北美中乐团等。演员的年龄跨度很大,有小孩,也有退休人士。
(Tell me a little about yourself and the event)
( Located on 7250 Keele street, We right on 407 and Keele. You can see big letters saying Improve. I’m the person who actually came up with the idea to build this facility. For now it’s the only one and the largest. It’s a home improvement mall. We’re trying to develop new ideas and bringing lots of new stuff into Canada. If you see the people inside, we have all nationalities. Since we have such a possibility and we have lots of people from different countries, we’re trying to explore it. We’re trying to create yearly events in different communities.)
(Is this the first event you chose to do for this mall?)
(No it’s not the first one, we had Russian events, Ukrainian events, and we have different ones.)
记者问:这是商场内第一次举办中国文化节吗? 中国农历新年是第一个被加拿大政府认可的法定假日,也是第二年,是不是因为这个原因,你才把这个活动定在今天呢?
(Is this the first time the mall has had a Chinese cultural event? Chinese New Year is the first official Chinese public holiday that is recognized by the government and this is the second year, is it because of this reason you set the event on this day?)
(I would say for the Chinese New Year, It’s the first time and of course we will do better. It’s to work with communities, celebrating. Businesses are working much better if there’s a good environment. People mostly own the stores so it’s a condominium project.)
(What was your favorite part of today’s show?)
(The dragon of course, because I was involved! )