(《健康生活报道》2024年8月6日多伦多消息)2024年7月,铁木尔出版社出版了加拿大营养学者兼专栏作家石英的最新著作《费解的甲状腺:了解甲减根源下的慢性疾病》(Mysterious Thyroid: Understanding Hypothyroidism),该书内容详细分为多个章节,探讨了甲状腺机能减退与心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压、消化系统疾病、生殖问题和脑功能障碍等各种健康问题的关系。每一章不仅解释了甲状腺机能减退与这些疾病之间的联系,还提供了实用的饮食和生活方式建议,以管理和可能逆转这些症状。石英分享了她撰写新书的动机。她解释道:“在过去10年(2014-2024年)中,我回答了读者超过1万个关于饮食和健康的问题。在这些互动中,我发现大多数人的疾病根本原因是甲状腺机能减退。然而,关于甲状腺机能减退与这些疾病之间关系的信息非常少。这种知识的缺失促使我写了这本书。”
石英是加拿大统一注册营养师协会(Amalgamated Registered Nutritionists Association)会长、首席讲师,独创营养师课程标准和营养师课程讲义,自2016年开始培训营养师,到目前为止已培养近700名注册营养师(Registered Nutritionist),分布在北美、中国和其它国家,并在过去的10年里(2014-2024)解答了超过1万个读者和听众所提出的饮食与健康问题。
1999年在加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto)医学实验室工作,应用基因工程技术研究线粒体酶与细胞变异之间的关系。2000年在加拿大爱德华王子岛大学(University of Prince Edward Island)医学实验室工作,研究牛疱疹病毒检测的新技术。2001至2012年,就职于加拿大生物技术公司(Vita-Tech Canada),参与多项动物疾病检测的研发课题,以及试剂盒的开发和应用技术。2006至2008年,业余时间就读于加拿大自然营养学校(Canadian School of Natural Nutrition),毕业并考取注册全面营养师的资格证书(Registered Holistic Nutritionist)。2012年辞去工作,全身心投入食品与健康、有机食品和非转基因食品的研究、教育、培训工作。先后出版两本专著:《现代食品与疾病,天然食品与健康》(2013),《别让吃药添新病》(2015)。
《费解的甲状腺:了解甲减根源下的慢性疾病》是石英出版的第三本学术著作。2024年7月10日开始,全球500家以上英文媒体分别以“新书揭示甲状腺功能减退是慢性疾病的隐藏根源 ”(New Book Reveals Hypothyroidism as Hidden Root of Chronic Diseases)、“揭开甲状腺功能减退症的面纱:慢性病的隐藏钥匙”(Unveiling Hypothyroidism: The Hidden Key to Chronic Disease)为标题,开始陆续介绍石英的新书。
其中包括国际著名通讯社美国美联社(Associated Press)、美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )、著名财经媒体本辛加(Benzinga)、全美国主流广播电视台ABC(1943), FOX(1996),NBC(1926), CBS(1927), NCN地方频道(美国广播公司American Broadcasting Company,福克斯新闻台FOX News Channel,全国广播公司 National Broadcasting Corporation,哥伦比亚广播公司Columbia Broadcasting System,内布拉斯加州新闻频道News Channel Nebraska,2002)等70家广播电视台新闻网、世界著名新闻门户网雅虎(Yahoo)旗下10个国家和地区的雅虎财经网、加拿大100家以上著名媒体如《国家邮报》(National Post)、《金融邮报》(Financial Post)、《渥太华公民报 》(Ottawa Citizen)、《渥太华太阳报》(Ottawa Sun)、《多伦多太阳报》(Toronto Sun)、《温哥华太阳报》(Vancouver Sun)、《蒙特利尔公报》(Montreal Gazette)、《伦敦自由新闻》(London Free Press)、《温莎星报》(Windsor Star)、《温尼伯太阳报》(Winnipeg Sun)、《埃德蒙顿日报》(Edmonton Journal)、《埃德蒙顿太阳报》(Edmonton Sun)、《卡尔加里太阳报》(Calgary Sun)、《卡尔加里先驱报》(Calgary Herald)等。
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA, July 10, 2024 – Steven Zhao, Canada & ned nutritionist a Jnd author Ying Shi has unveiled her latest book, Mysterious Thyroid: Understanding HypothyWorld Report- In a groundbreaking revelation set to transform the understanding of chronic diseases, renowroidism as the Root Cause of Chronic Diseases. Published by Timur Publication in July 2024, this seminal work explores the often-overlooked link between hypothyroidism and a myriad of chronic health conditions. The book launch took place in Toronto and is expected to generate significant discussion among medical professionals and patients alike.
Hypothyroidism: The Hidden Epidemic
During an interview with Canada & World Report on July 9, 2024, Ying Shi shared the motivations behind her new publication. “In the past ten years (2014-2024), I have answered more than 10,000 questions about diet and health for my audience. Through these interactions, I discovered that the root cause of most people’s illnesses stemmed from hypothyroidism. Yet, there is scant information connecting hypothyroidism with these diseases. This gap in knowledge compelled me to write this book,” Shi explained.
Hypothyroidism, as Shi elucidates, is the underlying cause of numerous chronic diseases, yet it remains frequently misdiagnosed. This condition, which involves underactive thyroid function at the tissue level, often goes undetected because standard thyroid function tests typically measure hormone levels in the blood rather than at the cellular level where the dysfunction occurs. Consequently, many patients experience debilitating symptoms despite normal test results, leading to widespread frustration and misdiagnosis.
Challenging Conventional Medical Practices
Shi’s book delves into the inadequacies of current diagnostic methods. “Nowadays, physical examinations and blood tests are almost the sole means of diagnosing diseases, and treatments are symptom-based, often involving medication or surgery. However, unless thyroid function in the cells is examined, hypothyroidism cannot be accurately diagnosed, nor can the myriad diseases and symptoms it causes be effectively treated,” she asserted.
Through case studies and personal anecdotes, Shi highlights the diverse manifestations of hypothyroidism, which can range from fatigue and depression to more severe conditions like cardiovascular disease and infertility. She cites the work of Dr. Broda O. Barnes, an American physician renowned for his research on hypothyroidism, who identified a common feature among hypothyroid patients: low basal body temperature.
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Hypothyroidism
The book’s content is meticulously organized into chapters addressing various health issues linked to hypothyroidism, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, digestive disorders, reproductive issues, and brain function disorders. Each chapter not only explains the connection between hypothyroidism and these conditions but also offers practical dietary and lifestyle advice to manage and potentially reverse the symptoms.
Ying Shi’s Journey and Contributions to Nutrition and Health
Ying Shi’s professional journey is a testament to her dedication and expertise in the field of nutrition and health. After graduating with a major in Microbiology from Liaoning University , China in 1984, Shi moved to Canada in 1999 and engaged in basic medical research at universities and biotechnology companies. From 2006 to 2008, she pursued studies at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, earning her Registered Holistic Nutritionist qualification.
Since 2012, Shi has been devoted to the research, education, and practice of “food and health.” She founded the Amalgamated Registered Nutritionists Association and has trained nearly 700 registered nutritionists across North America, China, and other countries. Her previous publications, including Natural vs. Processed: Identifying the Connection between Food and Health (2013) and Don’t Let Medication Bring New Diseases (2015), have established her as a leading voice in holistic nutrition.
Real-Life Impact: A Personal Account
Shi’s commitment to her research is deeply personal. She shares the story of her daughter, who suffered from hypothyroidism. Despite dietary and nutritional interventions that alleviated many symptoms, persistent issues like a dowager’s hump and cervical vertebrae pain prompted further investigation. Shi hypothesized that myxedema, a characteristic of hypothyroidism, was the culprit. After starting desiccated thyroid treatment, her daughter experienced significant improvement, reinforcing Shi’s belief in the importance of accurate diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.
Bridging the Knowledge Gap
Mysterious Thyroid seeks to bridge the gap between medical research and practical, everyday application. It provides a detailed explanation of how hypothyroidism leads to various diseases, the role of diet in thyroid health, and the necessity of a holistic approach to treatment. By connecting theory with practice, Shi offers a highly practical guide that empowers readers to take control of their health.
Availability and Contact Information
Readers can purchase Mysterious Thyroid: Understanding Hypothyroidism as the Root Cause of Chronic Diseases at:
For media inquiries, please contact Steven Zhao at
Ying Shi’s Mysterious Thyroid is poised to make a significant impact on the understanding and management of chronic diseases. By shining a light on the often-misunderstood role of hypothyroidism, Shi offers hope to millions of sufferers who have struggled with unexplained symptoms and ineffective treatments. Her book is a call to action for both medical professionals and patients to rethink the approach to diagnosing and treating chronic illnesses, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond traditional blood tests to uncover the true root causes of disease.
New Book Reveals Hypothyroidism as Hidden Root of Chronic Diseases